by Abhinav 05 May 2022


Ashwagandha, also known as Winter Cherry, is an ayurvedic herb that grows in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. It is one of the oldest Ayurvedic herbs, with records showing its usage dating back nearly five thousand years. Ashwagandha has been used to relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia. Newer studies suggest Ashwagandha can also be used to reduce blood sugar, improve fertility and improve memory.

Buy Ashwagandha tablets with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com - https://www.ayur1.com/health-wellness/personal-wellness/birla-ayurveda-birla-ayurveda-ashwagandha-tablets-fivezero-gm-pd-79

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species which grows in many tropical and subtropical climates around the world. The resin extracted from Aloe Vera is used in many Ayurvedic products. The health benefits of using Aloe Vera include faster skin healing, healthier skin and inflammatory issues such as acne.

Buy Aloe Vera Gel with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com - https://www.ayur1.com/skin-beauty/face-and-body-lotion/birla-ayurveda-aloe-vera-gel-onezerozerogm-pd-85


 Gokhru is a traditional herb preparation which has been used in India for centuries. It has mainly been used to maintain urinary health, combating against UTIs and other diseases. Recently, Gokhru has also been used as an alternative to protein powder in fitness and muscle building.

Buy Gokhru with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com - https://www.ayur1.com/fitness/muscle-building/birla-ayurveda-gokharu-tablets-sixzero-tablets-pd-100


Shilajit is a sticky, dark substance which is found on the rocks of the Himalayan mountains. It is made of decomposing plant matter and takes centuries to form, which is why it is so rich in nutrients. It is a safe and effective supplement meant to be used for general well-being.

Buy Shilajit with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com - 



Boswellia is an Ayurvedic spice with anti-inflammatory properties which naturally grows in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. It may reduce joint pain, enhance oral health, and improve digestion. Boswellia has also historically been used to treat chronic asthma, Crohn’s disease and Colitis. 


Brahmi is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, which grows naturally in many tropical regions of the world such as India, Africa and South America. Studies have linked it to improvements in learning rates, attention, memory, and information processing. Historically, Brahmi has also been used to help with anxiety and stress.

Buy Brahmi with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com - 



Manjistha is a vine with heart-shaped leaves and bright-red roots which grows in the Himalayan region of India. Manjistha has traditionally been used as a blood purifier, due to its anti-diabetic and anticancer properties. Recently, Manjistha has also been used as a skincare product as it helps with inflammation and has many oxidants.


Arjuna is a substance which is extracted from the bark of the Arjuna tree, which grows in tropical and subtropical areas around India. It has various benefits like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Arjuna also  helps reduce the risk of heart diseases and has strong anti-hypertensive properties which helps reduce high blood pressure. 


Shatavari, a member of the asparagus family, is an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs are said to help your body cope with physical and emotional stress. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits, Shatavari is considered a staple in ayurvedic medicine for general well-being. Shatavari has also been used for years to help women with PCOS, and has other reproductive health benefits for women.


Neem is a natural herb that comes from the neem tree, and has many diverse use-cases due to its various properties. Neem is used as an oil to repel mosquitos, fleas and other pests. It is also used in dental products to improve the health of teeth and gums, and in skincare to improve the health of skin. Neem is also used in hair-care, to repel lice and reduce dandruff.

Buy Neem with Ayur1 at Ayur1.com-



Often known as the “King Of Medicines”, Haritaki is a miraculous ayurvedic fruit that is extensively used for a wide range of traditional remedies. Regularly consuming Haritaki will help with digestive health, sexual health and cognitive functioning. It can also be used as a preventative measure to diabetes and blood pressure. The abundance of antioxidants also allows Haritaki to be used in skincare.


Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is an extremely popular herb in Ayurveda. Considered one of the foremost adaptogenic herbs, Tulsi helps the body cope with stress, promotes mental clarity, and supports a clean mind. It also helps with bodily functions, such as improving circulation and supporting weight management


Punarnava, a hard monsoon plant, is extremely popular as a rejuvenative herb in the subtropical and tropical regions of India and Brazil. Consuming Punarnava has many benefits for the body, ranging from improved kidney and liver function to better heart and lung health. Its name loosely translates to ‘rejuvenating an old body’, which indicates it was traditionally used for good health during old age.


Mucuna, also known by its Sanskrit name Kapikacchu, is a nutritive tonic commonly used to nourish the nervous system, support healthy sexual energy, and strengthen reproductive organs. Consuming Mucuna regularly is said to have positive effects on both the nervous and reproductive systems. It has been used for over two thousand years, making it an extremely old remedy.


Hibiscus is not a herb, rather a tropical flower which has been used for centuries in ayurveda. The hibiscus flower helps maintain both the health of skin and the health of hair. As a result, it is widely used in both hair products and skincare products.