Ayurvedic Doshas

by Mehak Soneja 20 Dec 2022


Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three primary doshas, or body kinds, according to Indian Ayurvedic studies. Ayurvedic physicians perform a thorough examination of a patient to determine their body type or dosha before beginning treatment for any illness they may be experiencing. This procedure is crucial because certain regimens yield differing results on persons with various body types.

An individual's physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual mechanisms are governed by the energising forces of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Their make-up is constantly changing as a result of dietary, environmental, and lifestyle changes. When the doshas are balanced properly, a person stays healthy. We become susceptible to illnesses and experience internal disturbance as a result of dosha imbalance.

Many people are interested in learning which dosha category they fall into. For these individuals, there are numerous online tests and quizzes that provide in-depth questions covering a wide range of categories and subcategories, including lifestyle patterns, dietary habits, sleep and dream analysis, bodily structure, and emotional tendencies. You are able to determine whether you have the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dosha after finishing the quiz and receiving your grade. Moreover, one can always consult an Ayurvedic specialist to double check and reassure themselves if interested!

Some more details about the three doshas:-

  • The Vata dosha supports the Pitta and Kapha doshas and regulates the larger vital energy of our body. It's sometimes referred to as the "king of doshas." 
  • It is derived from elements of space and air and is the energy of movement. 
  • People whose predominant dosha is vata are frequently energetic, creative, and endowed with a natural capacity for expression and communication. 
  • When in balance, they are rapid learners, fun-loving, and have a contagious sense of joy. 
  • These people begin to exhibit impulsive behaviour, mood swings, and a panic, anxiety, and worry response to stress when their dosha imbalances.

  • The energy of metabolism and digestion in the body is known as the Pitta dosha. It works via carriers like bile, organic acids, hormones, and enzymes. 
  • The small intestines, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, blood, eyes, and the spleen are where pitta is primarily found in the body. 
  • By breaking down complex food molecules, it is known to give the body heat and energy. It also controls all processes involving conversion and transformation in the mind and body. 
  • The emotions of joy, willpower, courage, fury, jealousy, and mental perception rule the pitta type, which tends to be intellectual.

  • The energy of lubricating and construction, or kapha dosha, gives the body its physical form, structure, and seamless functioning of all of its parts. 
  • The chest, throat, lungs, head, fatty tissues, connective tissues, ligaments, and tendons are the primary sites of kapha in the body. 
  • It helps to lubricate joints, stores energy, and gives tissues mass. 
  • Typically, kapha personalities are lovable, easygoing, laid back, and slow moving. They look graceful and are sympathetic, non-judgmental individuals. They are noted for being possessive by nature and not being easily angered, therefore they tend to cling on to things and people for a long time. They typically have strong financial judgement and are wealthy.

The science of ayurveda is one of self-understanding. Learning more about your own dosha or constitution will help you start the journey of comprehending your body in greater detail. In the end, this will assist you in making better lifestyle decisions for yourself, promoting overall wellbeing and excellent health.